Attending students
- I. Camera d'Afflitto, Letteratura araba contemporanea dalla nahdah a oggi, Carocci Editore, Nuova Edizione, Roma 2007
- A. Hourani, Storia dei popoli arabi, Mondadori (pp. 279-455).
N. B: Each student must have read at least two novels of their choice, translated from Arabic into Italian. For the selection of Arabic works available in Italian, see the website .
Material in Arabic and further bibliographic updates will be provided during the course.
Non-attending students
- I. Camera d'Afflitto, Letteratura araba contemporanea dalla nahdah a oggi, Carocci Editore, Nuova Edizione, Roma 2007
- A. Hourani, Storia dei popoli arabi, Mondadori (pp. 279-455).
- M. Campanini, Storia dell’Egitto contemporaneo. Dalla rinascita ottocentesca a Mubarak, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma 2005 (pp. 11-121).
- E. Rogan, Gli Arabi, Bompiani, Milano 2012 (pp- 7-243).
- J.L. Gelvin, Storia del Medio Oriente moderno, Einaudi editore, Torino 2008 (pp. 3-275).
N. B: Each student must have read at least two novels of their choice, translated from Arabic into Italian. For the selection of Arabic works available in Italian, see the website .
Material in Arabic will be provided during the office hours.