"G. d'Annunzio"
Portuguese Language I Level A2 of CEFR.
The aim of the course is: to achieve a linguistic competence equal to the B1 level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), develop the metalinguistic competence to the Portuguese languages (PE and PB) to be able to reflect critically on the concepts o fthe norm, variation, and linguistic registers.
In-depth into the phonetic, phonological, morphosyntactic, and lexical aspects of the Portuguese language. Contrasting study with particular attention to the Portuguese European (PE) variant. In-depth study of the use of the Imperfect, Conditional and Imperative, in their temporal and modal aspects. The in-depth analysis will be done through the analysis of cultural contexts on written and oral textual genres. Exercises will be provided to consolidate knowledge.
In-depth study of the phonetic, phonological, morphosyntactic aspects in contrasting PE and PB variants. The influence of other languages and cultures in the formation of the Portuguese lexicon, variant PE. Grammatical study on the Imperfect, Conditional and Imperative; modal and temporal use, with particular attention to the PE variant. These aspects will be analyzed in various cultural contexts, on written and oral textual genres. Exercises will be provided to consolidate the Knowledge.
Recommended Bibliography: -Bagno M., Nada na língua é por acaso. São Paulo, Parábola, 2008. -Coimbra I.; Coimbra O.M., Gramática Ativa Lisboa: Lidel, 2011. -Coimbra, I; Coimbra O.M., Gramática Ativa Lisboa: Lidel, 2012. -Faraco C. A., Norma culta brasileira: desatando alguns nós, São Paulo, Parábola, 2008. -Mateus M. H. M. et al. Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Caminho,2003. -Perini M. A. Gramática do português brasileiro, São Paulo, Parábola, 2010. - Further material will be provided by the teacher.
Lectures, cooperative learning, multimedia workshop, seminars, and round tables.
The verification of learning includes a written test, in preparation for the oral exam. This academic year the written test will be done over a meeting on the Teams platform. It aims to verify written and oral comprehension. The students should demonstrate knowledge of the topics on the syllabus and written comprehension skills at level B1 by answering grammar exercises based on a brief text from the same linguistic level; an oral exam in which the student makes comments over a written essay on a topic related to the course. The essay as well as the due date and methods of drafting the comments will be previously agreed with the teacher, during the course. Besides, a short improvised oral interview will be done to verify the achievement of level B1 of the CEFR in the four skills.
Non-attending students should contact the teacher and agree on an alternative examination program.