This course aims to bring students closer to a number of fundamentals of the Spanish language (phonetics/phonology, orthography, lexical morphology) as well as their practical usage in a number of possible scenarios.
Essential communication skills:
• asking for/giving out information;
• discussing routine, past/future events, ability, possession, like/dislike;
• ordering, inviting, locating, giving advice
comparing, describing events/places;
• talking about experiences;
• approving and disapproving.
Grammar content analysis through contrastive approach
El sustantivo
El acento
Los pronombres personales sujeto
El adjetivo
El artículoLos demostrativos
Los posesivos
Las preposiciones
El comparativo y el superlativo
Los números
Los cuantificadores
Los valores de se
Los relativos
Los interrogativos - Los exclamativos
El adverbio
El verbo:
todos los tiempos de indicativo ( presente, pretérito perfecto, pretérito imperfecto, pretérito pluscuamperfecto, pretérito indefinido, futuro simple y futuro perfecto);
condicional simple y compuesto;
imperativo afirmativo y negativo; presente de subjuntivo.
Uso de haber y estar
Formas no personales y perífrasis verbales
Ser, estar y parecer
Verbos de cambio.
At the end of the course, students will:
- have acquired the reading and aural comprehension skills, as well as
the writing and speaking skills covered by the coursebook.
Before the exam, students are warmly invited to take the CLA exam. In
case of negative result, the programma should be integrated with:
- Díaz L. – Yagüe A., Papeles. Gramática del español como lengua extranjera, Nivel A, reperibile online al seguente link:
- an other novel (for a total of 3 novels).
Assessment for this module consists of a written and an oral exam.
The written exam consists of a test based on the grammatical contents.
The oral exam consists of a conversation aimed at testing speaking and oral interaction skills. The
conversation will focus on the readings chosen by the student among
those recommended by the instructor during the course. It will also aim
to test the oral skills covered in the coursebook.
Evaluation of the class is expressed with a mark out of 30, resulting from
the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained in each of the parts of the