1) Geochemical and geophysical shells of Earth with related physical, chemical and mineralogical features
2) Formation of magmas, intensive variables (T and P), volatiles (H2O) and geodynamic context
3) Classification of igneous rocks by textural and structural characteristics
4) Plutonic rocks and their textures and structures
5) Effusive Volcanic rocks and their textures and structures
6) Explosive Volcanic rocks and their textures and structures
7) Sub-volcanic, dikes and sills and their textures and structures
8) Formation of metamorpohic rocks, intensive parameters (T and P), volatiles (H2O) and geodynamic context
9) Regional, burial and high-P metamorphic rocks
10) Contact, thermo-dynamic and by impact metamorphic rocks
11) Oceanic-floor metamorphic rocks
12) geodynamic context, plate limits, tectonic effects and petrological processes Il contesto geodinamico globale, limiti di placche, effetti tettonici e processi petrologici
13) Volcanic rocks from Phlegrean Fields and Vesusius (Field-work)