- Educational targets:
the course is meant to contribute to reach the goals of the CdS "Filologia, Linguistica e Tradizioni letterarie". More specifically, it aims to supply a basic knowledge in the field of Mediaeval Latin.
- Expected learning results:
1) knowledge of the programme subjects;
2) to be able to critically discuss specific case-studies;
3) communications skills.
Introduction to Mediaeval Latin.
The course will focus on the study of Mediaeval Latin between the 6th and the 16th centuries, in the general context of a historical-cultural framework. In particular, we'll be concerned with the main linguistic phenomena with cause the changes of Latin from its classical features. A number of texts will be analyzed, in order to directly experience the linguistica peculiarities of this thousand-year lasting language.
The course is divided in two parts.
- Part I: will be illustrated the main linguistic phenomena of Mediaeval Latin.
- Part II: a number of texts will be analyzed, with direct involvement of the students who will be encouraged to take an active part in lessons.
The programme and the bibliography will be made available to students at the beginning of the course.
- D. Norberg, Manuale di latino medievale, ed. M. Oldoni, Cava de' Tirreni, Avagliano Editore, 1999.
- P. Chiesa, La letteratura latina del medioevo. Un profilo storico, Roma, Carocci, 2017.
Lectures will be given as classroom-taught lessons (42 hours). Students will be tested for assessment of learning.
The final assessment consists of an oral exam on the entire syllabus. The aim is to assess students’ skills and in particular, an understanding of the issues discussed during the course, an appropriate knowledge of the bibliography in the course programme, a correct command of the specific language as well as critical and methodological abilities will be evaluated. The grading scale goes from 1 to 30 with honours (cum laude): 1-17 fail, 18-21 sufficient, 22-24 fair, 25-27 good, 28-29 very good, 30-30 with honours (cum laude) excellent.
Attendance in this course is highly recommended. Students who cannot attend the course are kindly asked to take an appointment with the lecturer.