Arran Stibbe, Ecolinguistics: Language, Ecology and the Stories We Live By, 2nd ed., London and New York, 2021;
For the translation of literary texts:
Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam e altre poesie, testo inglese a fronte, a cura di Saverio Tomaiuolo, Mondadori, 2022
Further material related to translation will be provided during the course.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary, Oxford University Press;
Non attending students are invited to add the following text: Jean Delisle, Hannelore Lee-Jahnke, M.C. Cormier, Translation Terminology (ed. it. Terminologia della traduzione, a cura di Margherita Ulrych, Hoepli, Milano, 2002);
Kennedy C.; Salandyk W.; Cowan A., Talent 3. Student’s Book/Workbook + eBook + webapp (B2), Cambridge University Press..
Lisa Badocco, Dire, fare, tradurre. Terminologie tecniche per la mediazione linguistica. Inglese-italiano, 2006.
Further materials for the oral exam will be described during the course and will be available at Campus bookshop at the end of the course.