Through elements of historical grammar and dialectology the course aims to deepen knowledge of ancient Greek in relation to the various chronological phases and poetic and literary genres.
An initial 8 hour module will be dedicated to the fundamental characteristics of the elegy. Then we will focus on the direct reading of the texts of the elegiac authors, going into the linguistic choice of dialect, the historical and performative contexts.
Reference texts for exam preparation. A manual chosen from:
• A.C. Cassio, Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Le Monnier Università, Milano 2008.
• M. Morani, Introduzione alla linguistica greca: il greco tra le lingue indoeuropee, Edizioni dell’Orso 1999.
To read more about Greek Poets it is necessary to study:
G. Perrotta- B. Gentili- C.Catenacci (a cura di), Polinnia. Poesia greca arcaica, D’Anna, Messina-Firenze 2007.
The following edition of elegiac Poetry will be used:
M.L. West, Iambi et Elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati, voll. 1-2, Oxford 1989-1992.
A selection of five articles:
E. Bowie, Early Greek Elegy, Symposium and Public Festivals, ‘JHS’ 106, 1986, 13-35.
A. Aloni, L’elegia di Simonide dedicata alla battaglia di Platea (Sim. Frr. 10-18 W.2) e l’occasione della sua performance, ‘ZPE’ 102, 1994, 9-22.
L. Sbardella, Achille e gli eroi di Platea. Simonide frr. 10-11 W.2, ‘ZPE’ 129, 2000, 1-11.
da L. Swift- Ch. Carey (edd.), Iambus et Elegy. New Approaches, Oxford 2016:
E. Bowie, Cultic Contexts for Elegiac Performance
C. Nobili, Choral Elegy
D. Boedeker, Coarse Poetics: Listening to Hipponax,
D. Lavigne, Archilochus and Homer in the Rhapsodic Context
A. Rotstein, The Ancient Literary History of Iambos
C. Carey, Mapping Iambos: Mining the Minor Talents
D. Sider, Simonides' Personal Elegies
A. Iannucci- A. ALoni, Writing Solon
A. Nicolosi, Archilochus' Elegiac Fragments: Textual and Exegetical Notes
L. Lulli, Elegy and Epic: A Complex Relationship
M. Alexandrou, Mythological Narratives in Hipponax
T. Hawkins, Bupalus in Scheria: Hipponax's Odyssean Transcontextualizations
L. Swift, Poetics and Precedents in Archilochus' Erotic Imagery
Ch. Brown, Warding Off a Hailstorm of Blood: Pindar on Martial Elegy
P. da Cunha Correa, The 'Ship of Fools' in Euenus 8b and Plato's Republic 488a-489a
AJ. Nelson Hawkins, Anger, Bile, and the Poet's Body in the Archilochean Tradition
Further texts on Balbilla's lines will be supplied at the beginning of the course.